Shipping FAQ

FAQs on Shipping and Delivery

1. What are the shipping methods and shipping times?

- Shipping methods and times vary by region. More details will be available when you select your country during checkout.

2. Can we choose a specific carrier?

- Unfortunately, we cannot select a specific carrier for final delivery. Our shipping partner chooses from various carriers, so please keep this in mind when ordering.

3. How can I check my order status?

- Log into our website and navigate to "My Account" at the top right corner. You can view your order status on your dashboard.

4. Why didn’t I receive my tracking number?

- Once your order is marked as shipped, it is being processed by our shipping partner. You will receive a tracking number from them soon.

5. Can I change my order address?

- We cannot change shipping addresses after an order is placed. Orders will be shipped to the address provided during checkout.

6. Is the packaging discreet?

- Yes, we ship your order in discreet packaging. The exterior will be a plain brown box with no identifying marks. Inside, there will be another discreet box containing your product.

7. Do you ship to my country?

- During checkout, you can see a list of countries we ship to. If your country is not listed, it means we currently do not ship there due to slow shipping times, high costs, or customs issues.